Humanitarian Practice
Since the Core Commitments for Children in Humanitarian Action (CCCs) were introduced in 1998 and revised in 2010, the global humanitarian context has changed significantly. Humanitarian crises are increasingly protracted. Rising disregard for international humanitarian and human rights law and humanitarian principles characterises conflicts, dis-proportionally affecting children and women. Population growth, urbanization, environmental degradation and climate change, large-scale migration, forced displacements, as well as public health emergencies increasingly compound the threats that children face. The CCCs have been revised to equip UNICEF and its partners to deliver principled, timely, quality and child-centred humanitarian response and advocacy in any crises with humanitarian consequences.

Grounded in global humanitarian norms and standards, the CCCs set organisational, programmatic and operational commitments and benchmarks against which UNICEF holds itself accountable for the coverage, quality and equity of its humanitarian action and advocacy.

Programme commitments describe the scope of activities and advocacy undertaken by UNICEF and its partners in humanitarian settings. They form UNICEF’s contribution to a collective response and are designed to support interagency coordination and response. They apply in all contexts at all times.

Operational commitments describe the actions and standards UNICEF commits to to enable programme implementation through effective use of resources and adequate operational support.