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Core Commitments

for Children

are the core UNICEF policy and framework for humanitarian action




  • An up-to-date mapping of current and prospective government and civil society partners is maintained at country, regional and global levels

  • Contingency planning and partnerships are established with governments and CSOs in higher-risk countries, with simple activation protocols for rapid operationalization [119]

1: Preparedness


Humanitarian programmes and partnerships are identified in advance through contingency planning and preparedness measures

  • Humanitarian partnerships undergo fast-track review and approval procedures

  • Humanitarian partnerships with CSOs are signed no more than 15 working days after submission of required documents

2: Simplified procedures


Simplified procedures are used to establish timely partnership agreements

  • Funds are disbursed to governments and CSOs no more than 10 working days after request of funds

3: Timely disbursement of funds


Disbursement of funds to partners is timely

  • Appropriate capacity-building, tools and training are provided to partners to ensure results-based and quality programming

See Chapter 2 Programme commitments

  • Opportunities for knowledge exchange are established to leverage the expertise and capacity of partners  

4: Technical assistance for quality and results-based programming 


Technical assistance and capacity-building are provided to partners to foster quality programming

  • Humanitarian partnerships include a monitoring framework, with a special focus on quality programming

See 2.2.1 Quality of programmes

  • Field monitoring missions are conducted to support programme implementation quality and identify

  • areas for programme and partnership improvement in line with the UNICEF Field Monitoring Guidance

See 2.3.1 Needs assessment, planning, monitoring and evaluation

5: Monitoring


Continuous improvement in programme quality, coverage and equity is driven by partner dialogue, feedback mechanisms, field monitoring and corrective actions

Key Considerations

  • Use all available simplifications to reduce bottlenecks in the discussion and signature of partnership agreements and disbursement of funds.

  • Use the CCC-aligned activities, standards and indicators to co-design programmes and partnership agreements with partners.

  • Maintain an open dialogue throughout programme design and implementation, in the spirit of partnership and mutual accountability for the operationalization of the CCCs.

  • Ensure that UNICEF fulfils its partnership responsibilities as described in the Programme Cooperation Agreement (see box below). Ensure that appropriate feedback mechanisms, including pathways for redress, are available to partners locally, at CO and field office level.

  • Partner with organizations and entities committed to the core values of UNICEF and the UN, as well as humanitarian principles, the Principles of Partnership,  and the principles of good governance, including transparency, accountability and sound financial management. Only partner with organizations and entities that actively prevent and address SEA, child safeguarding violations, other violations of children’s rights, and fraud.

  • Ensure UNICEF partners properly understand the operational application of humanitarian principles and maintain engagement with partners and communities to ensure the understanding and application of humanitarian principles.

  • Localize UNICEF’s humanitarian response through collaboration with local actors (authorities, CSOs, communities, private sector) and build their capacity.  Leverage their access to local populations and critical knowledge of the local context and people. Actively seek out and partner with local women’s, adolescent and children’s organizations/groups.


Partnerships and mutual accountabilities for the fulfilment of the CCCs

The Programme Cooperation Agreement (PCA) and associated Programme Documents signed at country level contribute to the achievement of the programmatic commitments described in the CCCs.


When signing a PCA and Programme Documents with UNICEF, partners commit to:

  • Undertake the activities described in the document, according to the expected results, activities, timeframes and budget

  • Display the highest standards of conduct in accordance with the CRC

  • Provide the reports required under the PCA in a timely manner and satisfactory to UNICEF

  • Establish and maintain a system for monitoring implementation progress and results achieved, using the outputs, indicators and targets in the Programme Document

  • Take all appropriate measures to prevent SEA and other child safeguarding violations, by employees, personnel or subcontractors; and promptly and confidentially, in a manner that assures the safety of all involved, report allegations of SEA or any reasonable suspicion (or allegations) of child safeguarding violations


When signing a PCA and Programme Documents with a partner, UNICEF commits to:

  • Commence and complete the responsibilities allocated to it in a timely manner, provided that all necessary reports and other documents are available

  • Make transfers of cash, supplies and equipment in accordance with the agreement

  • undertake and complete monitoring, assessment, assurance, evaluation and oversight of the Programme Document

  • Liaise as needed with the government, members of the UNCT, donors and other stakeholders

  • Provide overall guidance, oversight, technical assistance and leadership, as appropriate, for the implementation of the Programme Document

  • Conduct joint monitoring

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