Humanitarian Practice
Gender Based Violence in Emergencies (GBV / GBViE)
Gender-based violence (GBV) is the most pervasive yet least visible human rights violation in the world. At least one in three females – over one billion worldwide – will experience physical and/or sexual violence in their lifetime, simply because they are female. In humanitarian emergencies, existing forms of GBV (intimate partner violence, child marriage, etc.) tend to increase in incidence and severity, while new forms of GBV – such as conflict-related sexual violence – may also emerge.
UNICEF is a leading humanitarian and development partner with global reach and long-standing experience and expertise in addressing GBViE. Addressing GBViE is a prerequisite for achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and is a core element of UNICEF’s gender equality programming priorities, grounded in its Strategic Plan, 2018–2021 and Gender Action Plan 2018–2021. GBViE is also part of UNICEF’s ‘No Child Left Behind’ agenda. UNICEF's vision is that the rights of girls and women affected by emergencies to live free from GBV are fulfilled. Three outcomes are linked to the realization of this vision, each of which forms an integral aspect of UNICEF’s GBViE programming in practice: support survivors with access to a comprehensive set of services; mitigate the risk of GBV across humanitarian sectors; and prevent GBV by addressing its underlying conditions and drivers.
UNICEF’s response to GBViE is shaped by its humanitarian responsibilities and commitments set out in the Core Commitments for Children in Humanitarian Action (CCCs), the IASC GBV Guidelines, the IASC GBV Minimum Standards and the Minimum Standards for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action. Indeed, addressing GBViE is one of UNICEF’s corporate priorities within its Gender Action Plan (2018–2021). GBViE programming is also an essential component of UNICEF’s achievement of its organizational outcomes as set out in its Strategic Plan (2018–2021).
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