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Core Commitments

for Children

are the core UNICEF policy and framework for humanitarian action




  • Multi-year, predictable and flexible[120] funding is mobilized from private and public sectors to reduce the gap between humanitarian needs and the resources available to meet them

  • Funding is secured to support preparedness for faster, timely and more cost-effective responses

  • Internal funding mechanisms (Emergency Programme Fund and Thematic Funding) are used to rapidly respond and scale up programmes

1: Mobilisation of adequate and quality resources


Adequate and quality resources are mobilized in a timely and predictable manner to support preparedness and response to humanitarian and protection needs, particularly of the most vulnerable populations

  • Strategic investments are made from UNICEF thematic pools to support preparedness, humanitarian response and activities related to system-strengthening and resilience-building

  • Localization of humanitarian and development programming is supported through multi-year, predictable and flexible funding.  Systems are in place to track, monitor and report on these investments

2: Linking humanitarian and development resources


Integration of humanitarian and development resources is enhanced

  • Available resources are allocated based on needs assessment

See 2.2.3 Equity

  • Procedures are in place to manage donor conditions at CO level

  • Donors are aware of and understand UNICEF risk management policies

3: Impartiality and risk-sharing


Resources are allocated impartially, based on the needs of affected populations

Key Considerations

  • Respond to the increasingly protracted nature of humanitarian crises by mobilizing predictable, flexible and longer-term funding that is passed down to partners, when relevant and feasible.

  • Leverage resources and partnerships for children, including by influencing domestic planning, financing and the delivery of services for children.

  • Partner with UN agencies to ensure a coordinated and collaborative approach towards resource mobilization to reduce funding gaps.

  • Deepen partnership and collaboration with public and private sector partners, including international financial institutions, and contribute to developing new and more predictable financing solutions for a longer-term response. Cooperation and collaboration go beyond financing to bring together diverse resources in ways that can achieve greater collective impact, sustainability and value.

  • Ensure that resources are allocated impartially based on need, and that the humanitarian imperative comes first when allocating aid, even in the most complex environments.

  • Maintain operational independence and seek to avoid dependency upon a single funding source.

  • Mitigate the risks of donors’ conditions and funding associated with objectives that could jeopardize the neutrality, impartiality and independence of humanitarian response. Refrain from funding arrangements that undermine children and women’s rights or the best interest of children, or that put the safety and security of humanitarian workers at risk.

  • Promote transparency by publishing timely, transparent and quality data on humanitarian funding with the International Aid Transparency Initiative and the Financial Tracking System, enhancing traceability from source to recipient.

  • Draw on funding arrangements designed to deliver collective humanitarian results, such as the Central Emergency Response Fund and the humanitarian country-based pooled funds.

  • Enhance results-based reporting and results-based budgeting, demonstrate value for money and work towards collective results within the UN and with other actors.

  • Enhance recognition and visibility of donors, particularly those who contribute flexible resources.

  • Explore and pursue new opportunities through innovative financing, including blended financing instruments and public-private partnerships, as well as south-south and horizontal cooperation.


[120] Flexible funds include regular resources (funds contributed without restrictions on their use) and thematic resources (funding allocated against thematic pools; donors contribute thematic funding against the humanitarian appeal, at global, regional or country level).

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