Humanitarian Practice
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Humanitarian Principles
UNICEF is committed to the following humanitarian principles[4] in its operations:
Humanity: Human suffering must be addressed wherever it is found. The purpose of humanitarian action is to save lives, protect health and ensure respect for human beings. UNICEF upholds the principle that all girls, boys, women and men of every age shall be treated humanely and seeks to assist and protect any and every vulnerable child, treating them with dignity and respect.
Impartiality: UNICEF allocates and delivers assistance based on needs and without discrimination based on nationality, ethnicity, race, sex, language, disability, religious belief, class, sexual orientation, gender identity, political or other opinions.
Neutrality: UNICEF refrains from engaging in controversies of a political, racial, religious or ideological nature, and does not take sides in hostilities.
Independence: Humanitarian action must be autonomous from the political, economic, military or other objectives that any actor may hold with regard to areas where humanitarian action is being implemented. UNICEF is independent of political, economic, military, security or other objectives.
Humanitarian principles guide UNICEF action in every context, conflict-affected or not.
In complex and high threat environments, humanitarian principles are critical to enable operations and to stay and deliver. More particularly, they guide UNICEF to make programmatic and operational decisions as well as to earn and maintain the acceptance among communities, authorities and among all parties to conflict.
Application of Humanitarian Principles in UNICEF operations
Key Considerations
Capacity Building of UNICEF Personnel
Build the humanitarian leadership capacity of UNICEF personnel at all levels (FO/CO/RO/HQ) and their ability to apply humanitarian principles in decision-making.
Build the capacity of UNICEF personnel to apply humanitarian principles effectively in the conduct of operations, especially in a complex and high-threat environment. This includes capacity building on civil-military coordination, access negotiations and humanitarian advocacy.
Capacity Building of UNICEF Personnel
Ensure that UNICEF field presence and operations allow for adequate identification and response to the needs of affected populations, including those in hard-to-reach areas.
Strive to stay and deliver in complex and high threat environments and refer to humanitarian principles to guide UNICEF actions and decisions.
UNICEF Field Presence and Operations
Seek to establish and maintain humanitarian access, ensuring all affected populations can safely and consistently reach assistance and services.
Seek engagement with all parties to conflict, and other stakeholders as necessary and feasible, to gain access to the populations in need.
Design context-specific access strategies grounded in humanitarian principles.
Proactively pursue acceptance among communities and stakeholders for a sustainable access to all populations in need.
Conduct advocacy for sustained and unimpeded access to all populations in need.
Conduct advocacy on child rights, including on grave violations of child rights, in line with the principles of humanity, neutrality, impartiality and independence.
Promote the application of humanitarian principles, in coordination with partners and in line with interagency guidelines.
Promote compliance with humanitarian principles when supporting the leadership and coordination of humanitarian response along with national and local authorities
Engage in coordination mechanisms to establish and maintain principled humanitarian access, in collaboration with UN Agencies, national and local authorities and CSOs, within existing coordination mechanisms such as the Humanitarian Country Team (HCT), the United Nations Country Team (UNCT), the Security Management Team (SMT), and the intersector/intercluster coordination mechanisms.
Provide neutral and impartial humanitarian assistance based on impartial needs assessments.
Ensure respect for humanitarian principles throughout the targeting and prioritization processes, especially in determining service locations and targeting methods.
Avoid only seeking out and assessing populations under the control of a single party to conflict.
Needs Assessment
See 2.3.1 Needs assessments, planning, monitoring, and evaluation
Safeguard operational independence and principled humanitarian action when linking humanitarian and development programmes, especially in situations where the government is party to the conflict. In some contexts, it may neither be possible nor appropriate to engage in development action.
Partner with organizations and entities committed to the core values of UNICEF and the UN, as well as to humanitarian principles.
Ensure UNICEF partners properly understand the operational application of humanitarian principles. Maintain engagement with partners and communities to ensure the understanding and application of humanitarian principles.
Ensure that resources are allocated impartially, based on the needs of affected populations, and that the humanitarian imperative comes first when allocating aid, even in the most complex environments.
Mitigate the risks of donors’ conditions and funding associated with objectives that could jeopardize the neutrality, impartiality and independence of humanitarian response, and refrain from funding arrangements that undermine child rights or the best interest of children, or that put the safety and security of humanitarian workers at risk. Maintain operational independence and seek to avoid dependency upon a single funding source.
Resource Mobilisation
Utilize acceptance as a security risk management approach that can support humanitarian access. Acceptance by communities and/or threat actors can reduce the likelihood of harmful events occurring and increases the chances of an effective response if a harmful event does occur. Humanitarian principles underpin acceptance – cultivating good relations and consent for humanitarian activities among local populations and key actors[5].
Build the capacity of security professionals and managers with security responsibilities on generating acceptance, assessing the degree of acceptance and integrating acceptance in the Security Risk Management process.
Make use of armed escorts only after a thorough analysis in the Security Risk Management (SRM) process that determines no other SRM measure is available to bring security risks to acceptable levels, as per the IASC Non-Binding Guidelines on the Use of Armed Escorts for Humanitarian Convoys.
Refer to the IASC Non-Binding Guidelines on the Use of Armed Escorts for Humanitarian Convoys when contributing to the SMT’s evaluation of the potential impacts of using armed escorts. This evaluation should be context and location-specific and should also be informed by humanitarian principles.
Security Management
Engagement in UN Integrated Mission Settings
In contexts where the UN has a presence involving political and/or multidimensional peace operations alongside humanitarian and development actors, UN Integration policy devises how the different dimensions of the UN engagement (political, development, humanitarian, human rights, rule of law and security) work together to achieve peace consolidation aims[6].
The UN Policy on Integrated Assessment and Planning clarifies that “while humanitarian action can support peace consolidation, its main purpose remains to address life-saving needs and alleviating suffering. Accordingly, most humanitarian operations are likely to remain outside the scope of integration, which can, at times, challenge the ability of UN humanitarian actors to deliver according to humanitarian principles’’.
UNICEF seeks strategic engagement with UN missions whenever relevant and feasible, without prejudice to the humanitarian principles of neutrality, impartiality and independence. Key areas of collaboration include child protection, juvenile justice, reintegration of children associated with armed groups or armed forces, peacebuilding and sustaining peace initiatives and delivery of essential services.
UNICEF seeks to maintain sustained engagement at all levels with the Mission to maximize the Mission’s contribution to creating an enabling environment for humanitarian access, while maintaining an operational distance where necessary to minimize the risks for UNICEF’s adherence to the humanitarian principles and for staff security.
The necessary coordination and support with the Mission should be maintained alongside an effective separation of profiles and activities in the field in order to maintain operational independence and minimize the risk of compromising perceptions of UNICEF or the UN’s adherence to the humanitarian principles and acceptance with local communities and stakeholders[7].
Engagement with Non-State Actors (NSAs)
UNICEF engages with any person or organisation, including non-state actors (NSAs), that it finds necessary to secure protection for children, assure the provision of humanitarian assistance and end or prevent grave violations of children’s rights. Engagement with NSAs is guided by a robust international normative and legal framework, including international human rights and humanitarian law.
Where NSAs control specific territories or affected populations, or operate as de-facto local authorities, engaging with these may be critical to delivering on UNICEF’s mandate and ensuring fulfilment of the CCCs. When engaging with NSAs, UNICEF fully takes into account that legal obligations of NSAs towards populations and aid workers are grounded in international humanitarian law, international human rights law and international criminal law.
COs, with the support of HQ and ROs, develop robust engagement strategies with NSAs, based on sound context and risk analysis, and identifying clear purpose for engagement, expected results for children, risk mitigation measures and red lines.
Humanitarian Advocacy
UNICEF is mandated to promote and protect the rights of all children, guided primarily by the CRC and its Optional Protocols, as well as IHL. UNICEF conducts humanitarian advocacy to:
Facilitate the delivery of humanitarian assistance
Secure unimpeded and principled humanitarian access to populations in need
Promote adherence to international and regional legal norms, standards and principles
Promote accountability of perpetrators of child rights violations
Raise international and national awareness of the situation of children and of humanitarian and protection needs, particularly of the most vulnerable
Trigger rights-based and equitable development and strengthening of national policies, budgets, decisions and legislation, to contribute to positive social transformation and enable affected populations to claim their rights
Advocate for the rights and voices of children and women as an integral component of humanitarian action
See 2.1.4 Humanitarian access and 2.3 Sectoral commitments (key considerations on advocacy)
Global Humanitarian Standards
UNICEF abides by global standards that aim to improve the quality of humanitarian action and enhance the accountability of the humanitarian system to affected populations, specifically children, including:
The Sphere Handbook: Humanitarian Charter and Minimum Standards in Humanitarian Disaster Response (Sphere Standards), including the Core Humanitarian Standard on Quality and Accountability (CHS)
Inter-Agency Network for Education in Emergencies Minimum Standards (INEE)
Minimum Standards for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action (CPMS)
Guiding Principles
Human rights-based approach: UNICEF is committed to addressing inequalities and disparities in the design, implementation and monitoring of its programmes, and to ensuring that its humanitarian action is provided without discrimination of any kind. UNICEF also promotes the participation of children, adolescents, women and affected populations, and advocates for their rights and voices.
Do no harm: UNICEF takes measures to ensure that its interventions do not negatively impact those it seeks to assist and that they are conflict sensitive. UNICEF programmes are designed to avoid creating or exacerbating conflict and insecurity for affected populations; exacerbating existing disparities or perpetuating discrimination; creating or exacerbating environmental degradation.
Non-discrimination: Humanitarian crises often magnify existing inequalities and further marginalise those already at risk of discrimination. UNICEF works to identify, monitor and address existing and new patterns of discrimination and power dynamics.
Child participation: In all its programmes, UNICEF seeks to ensure meaningful participation of girls and boys of different ages and abilities; children are listened to and supported to express their views freely and in safety and participate in decisions which concern them.
The best interest of the child: UNICEF ensures that the best interest of the child guides all its humanitarian action. If a legal provision is open to more than one interpretation, the interpretation which most effectively serves the child’s best interest should be chosen.
Environmental sustainability: UNICEF takes measures to deliver its humanitarian action in a manner that minimises harm to the environment. This includes greenhouse gas emissions, environmental pollution, intoxicants and waste.
Centrality of Protection
Protection is the purpose and intended outcome of humanitarian action and must be central to preparedness efforts, as part of immediate and life-saving activities, and throughout the duration of humanitarian response and beyond. UNICEF commits to design and implement a humanitarian response that helps keep people with vulnerabilities from harm, protect them from violence, coercion and abuse, reduce the threats they face, minimise their exposure to these and increase their capacity to cope. The protection of all persons affected and at-risk is central to UNICEF decision-making and response, including UNICEF engagement with states and non-state parties to conflict.
Accountability to Affected Populations
UNICEF, in accordance with the IASC and the CHS definition of AAP, aims to ensure that all vulnerable, at-risk and crisis-affected populations supported through its humanitarian action are able to hold UNICEF to account for promoting and protecting their rights and generating effective results for them, taking into account their needs, concerns and preferences, and working in ways that enhance their dignity, capacities and resilience.
Child Safeguarding
All UNICEF personnel (staff and non-staff) and associates (suppliers/vendors, corporate partners, partners for programme implementation) are subject to provisions of UNICEF’s Policy on Conduct Promoting the Protection and Safeguarding of Children. The policy is a commitment to reduce direct and indirect risks of harm to children, from deliberate or unintentional acts, including neglect, exploitation, and abuse. This applies under all circumstances. All UNICEF personnel and associates are expected to:
Share the organisation's commitment to the protection and safeguarding of children
Conduct themselves in a way that demonstrates their commitment to the protection and safeguarding of children, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the CRC
Conduct themselves in a way that demonstrates their commitment to provide assistance on the basis of rights and need alone and without discrimination against any person, in accordance with the principles of humanity, impartiality, neutrality and independence
UNICEF also promotes the adoption of protection and safeguarding by host governments in their national laws and policies, and by civil society and corporate organisations.
Protection from Sexual Exploitation and Abuse
UNICEF has zero tolerance for sexual exploitation and abuse (SEA) and is committed to the effective prevention and response to SEA, as set out in the Secretary-General’s bulletin, Special measures for protection from sexual exploitation and sexual abuse (ST/SGB/2003/13) and the IASC Six Principles on related to SEA.
PSEA is a core commitment of UNICEF, and a whole-of-organisation accountability that includes active leadership by UNICEF senior management, a survivor-centred approach and contributions from all UNICEF programme and operations.
All UNICEF personnel (staff and non-staff), including consultants, individual contractors, stand-by personnel, UN volunteers, interns and other persons who work for UNICEF under an individual contract are required to complete PSEA training, and have an obligation to promptly report allegations of SEA.
UNICEF has an obligation to refer survivors for appropriate assistance, including supporting child survivors during investigations, and to cooperate during the investigation process.
UNICEF partners are also obligated to promptly report allegations of SEA to UNICEF, in accordance with the United Nations Protocol on Allegations of Sexual Exploitation and Abuse Involving Implementing Partners, and to meet the PSEA requirements outlined in UNICEF’s Programme Cooperation Agreement (PCA).
UNICEF contractors are also expected to take all appropriate measures to prevent sexual exploitation or abuse of anyone by their personnel, including their employees or any persons engaged by the contractor to perform any services under the contract, and to promptly inform UNICEF of any incident.
Ethical Evidence Generation and Data Protection
UNICEF commits to strict standards of ethical evidence generation to ensure that children and their communities are respected and protected throughout the data cycle, by paying specific attention to data collection, analysis, transfer, storage, access, dissemination and destruction. UNICEF requires clear safeguards when processing personal data, particularly when children or vulnerable people are concerned, to safeguard their best interests. All personal data processing by UNICEF is governed by internal and inter-agency rules.
See 3.3 Information and communication technology.
Commitment to Deliver on the CCC's
The CCCs state the organisation's – and each Country Office’s - commitment to respond, regardless of the kind of crisis (sudden-onset or protracted emergencies, natural disasters, public health emergencies, complex emergencies, international or internal armed conflicts, etc.[8]), irrespective of the Gross National Income level of a country (low, middle or high), or legal status of the affected populations.
See 1.2.4 Application and 1.2.5 Implementation
UNICEF has established clear account abilities and systems to ensure that all UNICEF personnel and all sectors of the organisation at global, regional, country and local level are empowered and held accountable for the fulfilment of the CCCs.
Emergency Procedures
All UNICEF personnel are expected to know and apply the emergency procedures[9]. UNICEF’s emergency procedures set out a streamlined mechanism for organisation-wide mobilisation to support the timely delivery of humanitarian response. This includes the immediate deployment of financial, human and material resources and a set of fast-track procedures and mechanisms to enable the rapid delivery of humanitarian response, timely decision-making and effective partnerships.
Risk Management
UNICEF’s Enterprise Risk Management Policy supports well-managed risk-taking and mitigating strategies. This implies accepting risk when benefits for children are maximised and outweigh costs; anticipating and managing risks through continuous risk assessment, and proper mitigation measures; making prompt decisions; and recognising that affirmative management of risks is critical to success.
Roles and Responsibilities
All UNICEF personnel, all sectors and offices of UNICEF at global, regional, country and local level are responsible for the fulfilment of the CCCs.
UNICEF personnel
All UNICEF personnel, whether operating in a humanitarian or development context:
Are expected to know the CCCs, promote their implementation and contribute to their fulfilment, according to the context
Are expected to know and apply the emergency procedures, according to the context
Must observe the standards of conduct of the International Civil Service[10], the UN Code of Ethics and UNICEF’s core values
All UNICEF senior managers at Headquarters (HQ), Regional Office (RO), Country Office (CO) and Field Office (FO) are responsible and held accountable for:
Implementing and enforcing the CCCs as the framework for preparedness and humanitarian response
Practising and promoting standards of behaviour based on the core values of care, respect, integrity, trust and accountability as per UNICEF Competency Framework, and as a foundation of their humanitarian leadership
Empowering staff to deliver results for children, holding them accountable for those results, and creating a climate that encourages quality organisational performance and efficient partnerships
Developing and maintaining a positive working environment that is free from misconduct, including discrimination, abuse of authority and harassment
Country Offices
COs are responsible for the effective and principled delivery of UNICEF humanitarian action at country level. In case of cross-border operations, COs ensure appropriate coordination with ROs’ support.
Country Representatives, with the support of the Country Management Team (CMT) and the guidance of the RO and HQ, are responsible for:
Providing overall strategic direction, leadership and guidance to the CO team in the design and delivery of humanitarian programmes as well as on prioritisation and resource allocation
Establishing dialogue and fostering strategic and principled collaboration and/or partnerships with the host government (and in conflict-affected contexts, with parties to conflict), with UN agencies, international financial institutions, media, civil society, private sector and academia
Advocating with the national/local authorities, and in conflict-affected contexts, with parties to the conflict, to respect, promote and fulfil women’s and children’s rights, and to improve policies and programmes for children, women and communities
Establishing dialogue and fostering strategic and principled collaboration and/or partnerships with the local authorities and, in conflict-affected contexts, with parties to the conflict for an unimpeded principled access and delivery of humanitarian assistance to the populations in need
Representing UNICEF in humanitarian and development fora and advocating for the fulfilment of the CCCs in inter-agency coordination fora, such as UN Country Team (UNCT), Security Management Team (SMT), and Humanitarian Country Team (HCT)
Monitoring the situation of children, women and communities with a view to detecting imminent crises; identifying major unmet humanitarian needs of children and taking appropriate measures in line with the CCCs to address them
Ensuring UNICEF delivers on its IASC commitments at country level, including on coordination
Ensuring the delivery of quality humanitarian programmes and their effective monitoring for corrective action
See 2.2.1 Quality of programmes
Ensuring that UNICEF is a responsive and reliable partner
See 3.5 Partnerships with governments and civil society organizations for programme implementation
Providing support to national and local partners
Establishing alliances with donors and mobilising multi-year and flexible resources
Ensuring the optimum management of programme resources (financial, human, administrative and other assets), including through the design and adjustment of an office structure fit for purpose for emergency programmes and operations
See 3.1 Administration and finance
Ensuring that activities are conducted in a way that manages the risks to personnel, premises and assets, and ensures the protection and security of staff members and UNICEF
Ensuring that UNICEF’s zero tolerance to SEA is upheld, including mandatory PSEA training of all UNICEF personnel and partners, prompt reporting of SEA allegations and referral of survivors for support
Field Offices
Chiefs of Field Office, with the support of their team and the guidance of the Representative, are responsible for effective and principled delivery of UNICEF humanitarian action at local level.
This includes:
Representing UNICEF in the area of responsibility, providing leadership in the provision of technical advice, negotiation and advocacy with every stakeholder
Advocating with the local authorities, and in conflict-affected contexts with all parties to the conflict, to respect, promote and fulfil women’s and children’s rights
Establishing dialogue and fostering strategic and principled collaboration and/or partnerships with the local authorities and, in conflict-affected contexts, with all parties to the conflict for an unimpeded principled access and delivery of humanitarian assistance to the populations in need
Ensuring effective management of UNICEF presence, staff and assets; providing direction, leadership and guidance to the field office team; and managing their performance to deliver results for children and conduct effective partnerships
Sustaining dialogue and regular engagement with local communities and authorities
Undertaking field visits, ensuring that field office staff conduct field visits to monitor and assess programme implementation for corrective action
Identifying major unmet humanitarian needs of children and taking appropriate measures in line with the CCCs to address them
Providing local authorities and service providers with technical support and guidance, building and reinforcing the capacities of national and local partners
Maintaining effective partnerships and collaboration for advocacy, technical cooperation, programme development/management/coordination, information-sharing and networking
Ensuring the optimum use of programme resources (financial, human, administrative and other assets) through systematic assessments and monitoring of operations, including through monitoring the allocation, disbursement and liquidation of programme funds
Regional Offices
ROs, with the support of HQ, are responsible for providing guidance, oversight and direct technical and operational support to COs. ROs also coordinate cross-border, cross-regional and multi-country responses.
Regional Directors, with the support of the Regional Management Team, are responsible for providing direction, leadership and guidance to COs to ensure the achievement of organisational mission, strategy, goals and objectives. This includes:
Representing UNICEF in the region; establishing and maintaining the highest level of contacts and effective relationships with regional partners, including UN and national partners, intergovernmental organisations, international financial institutions, NGOs and civil society; and leveraging strategic partnerships for humanitarian action
Conducting regional advocacy and supporting country level advocacy to protect the rights of children, promote adherence to international laws and standards, facilitate principled humanitarian access and the delivery of programmes, and promote child-friendly policies and practices
Monitoring regional risks and defining regional strategies and plans for preparedness and emergency response; reviewing and guiding COs on their risk assessment and management
Providing guidance and direct support to COs on their preparedness and emergency response, resources, budget, fundraising and use of emergency procedures
Leveraging regional partnerships for emergency preparedness and response; establishing alliances with donors and mobilising multi-year and flexible resources on behalf of COs
Monitoring the effectiveness of UNICEF country emergency response and the efficient use of country programme resources with a view to improving country programme performance
Monitoring effective human resources management within the region; ensuring the availability of technical staff within the RO, facilitating the short-term deployment of staff as needed and assisting in staff redeployment in emergency situations; developing and implementing regional communication, information and advocacy strategies
Establishing logistics and supply operations and hubs
Providing support to COs on staff safety, security and counselling
Informing the development of global norms and policies based on regional experience
Facilitating cross-learning between COs within the region and across regions
HQ develops and maintains corporate standards, policy and tools on humanitarian action; provides technical and operational support to COs jointly with ROs, and to ROs in their preparedness and response efforts; engages in external fora and partnerships; and maintains resources to support ROs and COs in crises beyond their capacity.
All UNICEF Division Directors are responsible in their respective areas for:
Ensuring oversight of the organisation's performance in humanitarian response, and ensuring coordination of institutional and cross-divisional support to ROs and COs
Mobilising technical expertise and resources (human, material, financial) to support ROs and COs in their preparedness and response efforts
Conducting global advocacy and supporting regional and country advocacy to protect the rights of children, promote adherence to international laws and standards, facilitate principled humanitarian access and the delivery of programmes, and promote child-friendly policies and practices
Advocating with states, and in conflict-affected contexts with all parties to conflict, to respect, promote and protect women’s and children’s rights, and for an unimpeded principled access and delivery of humanitarian assistance to the populations in need
Providing strategic leadership and overall direction to ROs and COs for the implementation of humanitarian response and the fulfilment of the CCCs
Providing strategic and technical guidance to ROs and COs in their preparedness and emergency efforts, monitoring and evaluating the quality of emergency response
Developing and maintaining strategic partnerships for humanitarian action with counterparts in institutions/foundations, development agencies, UN agencies and NGOs for the purposes of programme co-operation, knowledge sharing, policy development and resource mobilisation
Developing policies, guidance, tools and systems to enable the delivery of humanitarian response
Facilitating knowledge management, knowledge transfer and learning across the organisation
Establishing security policy and managing security activities for UNICEF, in coordination with other UN agencies
National Committees
National Committees, in close coordination with HQ, ROs and COs, contribute to delivering on the CCCs through fundraising, advocating for child rights and raising public awareness of children’s rights and needs, as well as through their partnerships with governments, national and local authorities, civil society organisations, human rights institutions, the private sector, academic and research institutions, and local media.
In countries and territories where there is a National Committee Office, and no UNICEF office, and where Governments are requesting UNICEF’s support, National Committees and UNICEF may work together to establish a formal agreement defining their respective roles, responsibilities, and the modalities of their collaboration, in order to provide a coordinated response meeting the standards defined in the CCCs.
In countries and territories without any UNICEF presence, UNICEF activates and fast-tracks procedures and mechanisms to enable the rapid delivery of humanitarian response, through the timely deployment of financial, human and material resources from HQ, RO, as well as from neighbouring COs, and National Committees when applicable, for a coordinated response meeting the standards defined in the CCCs.
In all contexts, with or without UNICEF presence/intervention, Governments, civil society organisations (CSOs) and other stakeholders can use the CCCs as a reference to design their humanitarian action and guide their efforts in setting and meeting standards for respecting, protecting and fulfilling the rights of children and affected populations.
[4] All four were reaffirmed in GA Resolution 58/114 (2004).
[5] Security Risk Management (SRM) Manual, Annex E: Reflecting Acceptance in the SRM, p. 106-110.
[6] See United Nations Secretary-General, Decisions of the Secretary-General – 25 June Meeting of the Policy Committee, Decision No. 2008/24 – Integration, 2008; United Nations Secretary-General, UN Policy on Integrated Assessment and Planning, 2013; Integrated Assessment and Planning (IAP) Working Group, Integrated Assessment and Planning Handbook, 2013.
[7] See UN Integration/Working in Mission Context and Technical Guidance Note on Working with UN Integrated Presences, UNICEF, 2014.
[8] A humanitarian crisis is defined as any circumstance where humanitarian needs are sufficiently large and complex to require significant external assistance and resources, and where a multi-sectoral response is needed, with the engagement of a wide range of international humanitarian actors. This may include smaller-scale emergencies; in countries with limited capacities, the threshold will be lower than in countries with strong capacities. An emergency is a situation that threatens the lives and well-being of large numbers of a population and requires extraordinary action to ensure their survival, care and protection.
[9] UNICEF emergency procedures include the Simplified Standard Operating Procedures (SSOPs) for Corporate Emergency Activation Procedure in Level 3 Emergencies, UNICEF Procedure on Corporate Emergency Activation for Level 3 Emergencies, UNICEF Procedure on Regional Emergency Activation for Level 2 Emergencies and UNICEF Procedure for Level 2 Emergencies. The SSOPs are undergoing a comprehensive review with a view to developing new emergency procedures for all crises with certain provisions for L2 and L3 emergencies – in line with the CCCs and Humanitarian Review. On 20 March 2020, new emergency procedures were developed for COVID-19 building on the existing L3 SSOPs, as well as new COVID-19 specific guidance.[10] ICSC Standards of Conduct for the International Civil Service and UN Code of Ethics.