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Humanitarian Practice
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UNICEF Accountability to Affected Populations Strategy 2022-2025
The UNICEF AAP Strategy 2022-2025, which builds upon the initial AAP roadmap for 2018-2021, was developed through a broad consultation with over 200 colleagues from country offices, regional offices and HQ. It lays the foundations for ensuring that AAP becomes systematically included in all UNICEF programmes. The strategy includes a monitoring framework based on the Core Standard Indicators and a roadmap with specific targets for the next four years. The roadmap and related resources needed for ensuring we meet our targets will be discussed by Regional and HQ Directors in the first quarter of 2023.
The UNICEF AAP Strategy 2022-2025 is monitored through the Core Standard Indicators, with most of the targets for 2022 being slightly exceeded. The key asks which are part of the roadmap of the AAP strategy are:
• Regions to appoint an AAP Advisor at P4 level to support country offices,
• AAP is a standing agenda in DROPS and RMT meetings,
• All Emergency Preparedness and Response plans and CPDs include AAP commitments,
• AAP commitments are included in Job Descriptions (JDs) and performance appraisal of UNICEF Representatives,
• Ensure Agora training is mandatory across the organization,
• Champion collective approach to AAP at the interagency level.