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Humanitarian Practice
A knowledge resource selected by UNICEF for humanitarian practitioners everywhere
UNICEF Accountability to Affected Populations in Action
UNICEF Accountability to Affected Populations in Action – How UNICEF puts children, adolescents and their families at the center of its programmes
UNICEF’s accountability to children, adolescents, women, people with disabilities, families, and communities is a programming principle that cuts across the humanitarian-development nexus.
In recent years, UNICEF has made important progress to ensure that the girls, boys, women and men we serve can hold us accountable for promoting and protecting their rights, generating effective results for them and working in ways that enhance their dignity, capacities, and resilience.
This report showcases some of the variety of existing practices already contributing towards UNICEF’s AAP commitments. Within these examples there are different levels of maturity and reach of practice; in some the practice is linked to individual programmes, in others the practice has a country-office wide influence. For UNICEF the challenge now is to expand on what works and innovate when needed, while institutionalizing stronger AAP approaches across country programmes for more systematic and consistent reflection of AAP in all our work.