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pour les enfants
sont la politique et le cadre de base de l'UNICEF pour l'action humanitaire
Pratique humanitaire
Une ressource de connaissances sélectionnée par l'UNICEF pour les praticiens humanitaires du monde entier
UNICEF Egypt’s experience with phone-based surveys during COVID-19
UNICEF Egypt gathered information on child and family wellbeing in the context of COVID-19 during a lockdown through conducting surveys by phone for the first time. Four repeated cross-sectional surveys were conducted over the period of eight months. Results guided the response by UNICEF, other UN partners, and the Government of Egypt (GoE).
UNICEF contracted a nationally respected research firm to provide technical expertise in phone-based surveys. The Real Time Monitoring (RTM) surveys covered a nationally representative randomized sample of 1,500 families every other month over eight months and included a small sample of refugee families. UNICEF regularly shared summary findings with the GoE and key partners and provided additional findings upon request. As a result, the GoE, development partners and other stakeholders were equipped with timely information about children and families during COVID-19 to guide the response over time.