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pour les enfants
sont la politique et le cadre de base de l'UNICEF pour l'action humanitaire
Pratique humanitaire
Une ressource de connaissances sélectionnée par l'UNICEF pour les praticiens humanitaires du monde entier
Strengthening resilience through risk-informed decentralization and local governance
This note provides key information, practical examples and case studies to support UNICEF country offices to integrate child-sensitive DRR and resilience into local governance programming through initiatives to address four key objectives:
• Risk awareness by increasing information and understanding of disaster and climate-related risks and building local government and community capacity for child-sensitive risk assessments.
• Risk reduction and prevention, by incorporating child-sensitive disaster and climate-related risk reduction measures into local service-delivery systems and local development policies, plans and projects.
• Preparedness, by building local capacity to mitigate the impacts of shocks and stresses through developing and expanding local forecasting tools, early warning systems and contingency plans.
• Recovery and building back better, by integrating DRR measures into post-disaster needs assessments and recovery plans through strengthening inclusive participation and decision-making among excluded and marginalized populations.
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