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Une ressource de connaissances sélectionnée par l'UNICEF pour les praticiens humanitaires du monde entier

COVID-19 response and recovery: Building back better for young children with developmental delays and disabilities and their families

The COVID-19 response and recovery: Building back better for young children with developmental delays and disabilities and their families document was developed in response to queries from UNICEF regional offices about developing COVID-19 response and recovery guidance that is inclusive of young children with developmental delays and disabilities and their families. It is intended primarily for UNICEF staff working on programming for young children and their families in early childhood development (ECD), health, education, child protection, nutrition, water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH), and social protection, among others. The document outlines key programming considerations that may be undertaken by UNICEF country offices to support young children with developmental delays and disabilities and their families both during and after the COVID-19 pandemic. Featuring case studies from around the world, the document also highlights both ongoing and COVID-19-specific initiatives that UNICEF country offices and partner organizations have carried out to support children with developmental delays and disabilities and their families.



Area of Work

Early Childhood Development


Technical Notes or Guidelines



Year Published


Last Checked





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